Oh my gosh! It's so crazy how time flies by!!! It can't believe that in a little more than a week, I will be writing to you in California, because our media class will be there for the STN Convention! Holy cow!! Oh my gosh! That's just... crazy!!! I'm so excited, yet nervous at the same time for our trip, and more specifically for the STN Convention. I mean, I know that our school has a really good reputation and has always won some award, and so I wanna try really hard to meet or go beyond those expectations. I think that we have a really good movie team, that really does have the potential to win an award, but there are a few things we need to work on. Read on to find out!

So, the first thing I think we need to work on is coming up with an idea. I think we made a HUGE improvement from the second practice, when took like an hour just to come up with our idea, to the third practice when we took probably a half hour, but we can still improve. Plus, we were kinda coming up with ideas as went along, but other than that I think we did a pretty good job coming up with our idea. So, coming up wi an idea is something we need to work on.

Another thing thing that just I specifically need to work on is my acting skills. I've never been to STN before, but from what I've heard I have the idea that people go all out, and will act very crazy to win. So I really need to up my game in acting! I mean, it's not like its real, but the more believable and into character you get, the better!

Finally, I think our team can improve by just perfecting little odds and ends that make our video. Like I said, I can work on acting, maybe the camera person could work on getting really steady, clear, nice shots, and the editors could work on piecing together the video the best it could be (although I think the editors and camera person have already been doing a super good job) I also think we should work on communication, since we still aren't the best at communicating.

In conclusion, you can see that our team still has some things to work on. I know I definitely do! And to tell you the truth, I was really hoping se could have a fourth STN Practice, so we could work on it. But even though we didn't get the chance to, I'm sure we'll do great if we learn from our mistakes and continue to improve.

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