It's getting closer. Every day, it's one day sooner to be here. Before we know it, it will be that time. What is it, you ask? STN.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm kinda nervous, no, I'm REALLY nervous for STN. It's gonna be my first time going, so I'm not exactly sure what to expect. And on top of that, I'm a little worried that we won't have a good enough video or won't meet the deadline. You can read more about these challenges I will or might face in the next few paragraphs.

Like I said before, I'm kind of nervous about STN because it will be my first time attending and I'm not sure what to expect or what it will be like. Sure, the practices we've had (and will have) have helped, but I think you have to have been to the actual STN Convention before to really know what it's like and what to expect. I wonder if it will be a challenge for me to adapt to STN? Or what if I don't have a clue what's going on when we go and I end up messing things up by not being where I'm support to be or something like that?! All I know for right now is that if something like that did happen, it would be horrible, and I'm crossing my fingers that nothing like that occurs!

Another challenge that we might possibly face at STN is not having a good enough video. In previous years, I think Mr. M said that every single year CKTV has earned an award at the STN Convention! I don't know about you, but I think that that's amazing, especially since we come from the small island of Kauai. But anyways, when I compete for the first time ever this year, I really want our movie trailer to match the quality of videos that have won awards in the past and even go beyond those videos. However, I'm kind of uncertain that our video will turn out that good. I mean, in order to  have a great video, you have to have a good story, good shots, and good sounds, and well, good everything! I hope that when we compete, my team and I will be able to work together to make our video the best it can be.

Finally, when competing in the STN, a possible challenge we could run into is making the deadline. Like I said in the last paragraph, I really want to have a good video, but despite wanting a super good quality video, we also need to be wise with the time we have. With just four hours to create a movie trailer (two hours of filming, two hours of editing) every second really is precious. And if we don't really stay focused and on track at STN, things could turn out pretty bad.

In conclusion, the three biggest challenges I have about STN are not knowing what to expect and somehow messing up, not having good enough video, and not making the deadline. However, I am willing to face these challenges and I'm going to do my best so that no matter what happens, I can know I gave it my all.

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