Hey guys! Today was another really busy, action packed day for me, and I hope you enjoy reading about it! Today was the second day of STN, and it started off with the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was pretty cool- there was really loud music playing and flashing lights and people screaming and dancing, but then it calmed down when the speakers came up. My favorite two speakers were Cameron Quon and Andrew Jenks. Cameron Quon is the 2014 STN Student of the Year, and he just had some really neat advice to share. He said during the convention the three things he dares us to do are: be humble and willing to learn, work as a team, and perseverance.

I think that advice is really relevant and will really help during the convention, so I tried and will continue trying to use it all throughout the convention and even in life in general. Andrew Jenks was also a good speaker today. He is actually a young producer who at age 20 had his show purchased by HBO. Anyways, he came to speak to us and he basically just shared his amazing journey with us, and his humor and quirky personality made the story quite entertaining. After the opening ceremony, me and Marlena headed upstairs to get ready because our anchoring competition was in an hour. I dressed in a blue blouse and black professional skirt and Marlena helped me with my makeup and straighten my hair. I was really nervous, but I managed to have a little bit of a chocolate muffin before we went down to the briefing session. At the briefing session, we sat by Mia and Janelle from Castaic Middle School and listened to all the rules of the competition. I was a little intimidated and nervous by the other schools because they were talking about using multiple shots and switching angles and all this fancy stuff, and I'm thinking in my head "Ughh, the judges will probably think Marlena and I are so uncreative and boring just using one long shot of me." But I felt a little more reassured when the guy talking to us about the rules of anchoring said not to focus so much on the technical side, but rather the writing and how the anchor connects with the audience, because that's what the judges really will be looking at. Speaking of writing and connecting and all that good stuff, can you guess what out topic was? If your thinking breaking news like Justin Beiber's arrest or the latest on Miley Cyrus, you're wrong. Our topic was simply just about STN, and we had just one bulleted list of facts about STN to use (besides the information we already knew.) Since the briefing got out early, we had a 30 minute head start to work on our video, which was awesome. Marlena and I quickly wrote up the script, and I felt pretty good about it. We probably started filming around 2:20ish or so, but it took us a really long time to film. The thing was, we use the iPad for me to read off of, but at the angle Marlena had me, there was a really, really bad glare, and when I finally almost did read it perfectly, Marlena would forget to scroll down the iPad, or a bunch of people would walk by, or something like that. We filmed until 3:40ish, and even then, I still wasn't totally confident about how I had done, but we had to go in to edit and import. We imported our footage, and Marlena found a clip that wasn't spot on, but it was the best one we had. We quickly made the lower third for it and exported our project, but when we did, there was a glitch in it. We tried to fix it, but after trying and not being able to figure it out, we had to turn it in the way it was because there was only two minutes left before the deadline. To be honest, I'm not very confident about our video and don't think it will place. I mean, we turned in a segment in seven seconds longer than what it's supposed to be (which gives us a penalty), with a glitch, not the best audio, and I don't think I did the greatest job connecting with the audience. So, I'm a little let down, but at least we turned it in right? Uggghhh.... I do have to say that I had a good evening though. We went to this middle school mixer event where I got to hang out with students from Castaic and meet my Florida pen pal, and I won a $5 Starbucks gift card! Score! Then we watched some of the videos that were made during the year and Micah, Ben, and Brandon's Friendship House Story aired so that was pretty cool. Anyways, I'm gonna get some rest now because I'm seriously exhausted. Thanks for reading!

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