Hey guys! So today was the last day of the trip, and to finish it off, we went to Magic Kingdom. Although it wasn't my favorite amusement park, it was still a really great day, and a great way to end our trip. We started off by going to Space Mountain, and then proceeded to Thunder Mountain. Both rides were fun, but they were very leisure and slow compared to some of the other rides we've gone on. On both, I kept on waiting for the big drop, or the superfast loop or something cool like that, but neither of the rides had either of those. We went on some more rides, but my favorite two were probably the car ride and Splash Mountain. On the car ride, your going along a track, but your in charge of steering and pressing the gas pedal. So Marlena controlled the pedal, and I controlled the wheel, and together we were unstoppable! Hahaha just kidding! But we were out of control and we probably would have seriously injured ourselves if it were not for the track! The whole time we were laughing uncontrollably, so it was super awesome! Splash Mountain was my other favorite ride. If you couldn't tell from the name, Splash Mountain is a water ride, and it has a super big drop at the end. We planned out to have everyone in the cart make a scary face during the drop when it takes the picture, but not everyone did. However, me and Marlena were in full character and we look so awesome, we just had to buy the picture! It's hilarious! So that was our day at Splash Mountain, and for dinner we went to Friendly's. The food there is sooo delicious! I got this chicken wrap for dinner, and for desert, me and Isa shared this really good mint chocolate ice cream sundae. Then we came back and packed everything up, because this is our last night in Florida, and tomorrow at 3am we need to get up to go to the airport. I just have to say though, this has been such a wonderful trip, and I will always remember it! I can't say thank you enough to all the amazing people who made it possible!! STN 2014 was officially awesome!  

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