Oh my gosh! I am so tired right now! It's been another long day, but really fun too. Here's what happened!

So, after eating breakfast at 8:30, we headed over to the STN Opening Ceremony. It was very exciting, and lots of people talked about STN, whether it was board members, past STN Students, or the president of STN himself. After that we ate lunch, and then went to the "Super Session with Frank Marshall". It was such a neat experience! I mean, he's a real producer of movies -and a really food one at that- so it was so cool to be able to hear what he had to say about producing movies and getting to him questions. Right when that ended, I headed straight over to the next breakout session which was called "There's No Way I'll Ever Get a Job Doing This", and it was basically about how to plan ahead to get your dream job in the Media Field. I thought this session gave really good advice about how to pick the right college for the career your interested in, but also how it's good to be open to trying something new. The last breakout session I went to was called "Make 'Em Laugh, Make 'Em Care", and well, the title basically explains what the session was about. We watched lots of videos that used humor to get across a message, and then talked about how we can apply them to our videos.  I think one of the most interesting things I learned in the session was that out of all the people who watch videos online, one out of every five will click off the video on the first ten seconds of it. This is important because it really shows you how you need to have a compelling story that's interesting even in the first few seconds.... And you can use methods like humor to help to make it interesting. Overall, I am really glad for the opportunities of getting to listen to breakout sessions! I took a LOT of notes, and learned a lot too!

Anyways, after all the breakout sessions we had a quick dinner and then it was time for the STN Carnival. Yay! It was really fun! There was music, and a dance floor (except I'm a HORRIBLE dancer so I wasn't really on the dance floor the whole time), a photo booth, a fortune teller, a face painter, and even more! It was a time to hang out with friends (and pen pals too!) and just have fun! My favorite part was probably either dancing (really horribly) with my friends, going in the photo booth, or just... the whole thing! I mean, what can I say other than it was awesome!

Well, that basically sums up my day. I'm excited and nervous for tomorrow because that's the day we are competing! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I really am hoping that we do a good, no, a great job! Wish us luck, and I'll keep you posted about how we did!

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