Hi guys! So today I'm going to be talking about my Fourth Quarter Project, which will also be the last project I'll ever be working on as a student in the CKTV Media Productions Class. So as some of you know, I kind of changed my project last minute.. as in the end of last week.. Or about 10 days away from when the final project itself was due. But I'm pleased to say that even in that major time crunch, I've made lots of progress! Read on to find out more!

So just about a week or so ago, Lilly and I were working on a music video to the song "Brave" by Sara Barielles. Anyways, we hadn't done any filming, so it was decided that we would just do our own projects, because that would be easier and faster, and we could do a more quality job. I decided to do a movie trailer. Here's the synopsis: Rebecka is a nerdy girl who’s life is all about her grades and overachieving in school. When she finds out that student government elections are coming up, she’s all over it. There’s just one problem: she’s the most unpopular girl at the school. But, being the smart girl she is, she comes up with the perfect plan: Brennan Chichi-Dango. He’s the most popular boy at school, and not the mention, the cutest. If they can become a couple, there’s no doubt everyone will vote her for class president. It’s a foolproof plan...sort of..kind of...maybe...

So as you can see, it's kind of just a funny, lighthearted storyline. So far I've filmed about 75% of what needs to be filmed, and edited a lot of it. I'm trying to film and edit at the same time so that I don't have to do all the editing at the end. I've gotten really good "reviews" so far- everyone thinks its really funny, so that's awesome!!

In order to finish, I'm working on my project every single chance I get. That means in the morning before Advisory, at recess, lunch, and after school! Hopefully by putting in lots of time and hard work, I will be able to finish with a quality project.

In conclusion, I would say my project is going okay. I still have to film and edit some, but I'm putting in a lot of hard work so that it will hopefully be done by the deadline this Wednesday! Wish me luck!

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