Hii! So, during the Fall Break, I went to the movies, and saw this really awesome movie called Gravity! Immediately after I saw it, I knew I wanted to do a blog about it. So, just what was it so "awesome" about it? Well, basically everything! It had a great storyline, great actors, and AMAZING shots!! Watching the movie made me feel like I was Sandra Bullock, stuck out in Space...it was pretty intense, especially with the huge screen and 3D glasses! You can go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiTiKOy59o4 to see what I mean!

In this blog though, I want to talk about how they filmed the movie. Obviously, they did not go out into outer space to film the movie. So how did they make all the shots so unbelievably realistic? Well, the director actually invented a new way to light, shoot and direct, which will likely impact the way cinema will be made from now on. One specific thing they used was called a "light box", which was outfitted with over 4,000 LED lightbulbs and allowed the effects team to "play any computer graphics image they wanted in order to get the light from the sun, the stars and other celestial adornments just right. Roughly 60 percent of the film was shot in the box." How cool is that?!

I strongly suggest you to watch "Gravity". You will be amazed by all the shots. It's incredible! And I guess it just inspired me, as a student in a Media Class. But anyways, bottom line: watch Gravity :)

Mr. M
11/17/2013 03:44:09 pm

I've heard so much about that movie that now, after reading your blog, I really want to go and see it! Thanks for sharing!


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