Wow! I am so excited to be in Media this year! Already, we've worked on so many different things... where do I begin? Well, on the first day of school I found out that my partner for the first semester of the year is Sierra, and she's really nice! From then to now we decided that we would do our First Quarter Project on mongoose on Kauai and are still currently working on that project, and also completed our first advisory game this year (also known as my first time making an advisory game EVER!!!) called CKMS Trivia Questions. Basically, we would give you a sentence that was a fact about our school and you would have to fill in the blank. Making an advisory game for the first time was special to me because I remember last year, every Friday I would take part in guessing the answers to the advisory game, and now, I actually get to MAKE the advisory game that everyone else will get to see and guess the answers to! As for our First Quarter Project, I think it's going pretty well, and I'm excited to learn more about transcribing, writing the scripts, getting B-roll, and eventually putting that all together to make our First Quarter Project! I know it's going to be a great year, and although sometimes it might  get really hard, I know it's all going to be worth it, and I am very honored to be in Media this year!

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