Hi, blog readers! Hope you are having an awesome weekend! I know I am! Hehe :) Anyways, in this post I want to talk about having a pen pal! Let me just say: it's super fun! My pen pal's name is Ayannah, and she's really cool! I got her first email about a month ago, and since then we've been writing back and forth a lot! We actually have a lot in common.. we are both in 8th grade, this is both of our second year in Media, we both love the beach and some of the same music, we both like the same movies... the list goes on and on! I think having a pen pal makes the STN just that much more special! You get to meet and hang out with a new friend, which is really neat! I can't wait to get to know more about my pen pal, and then meet her at STN! It's going to be a blast! :)

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