So, in this blog I just wanted to tell you guys all about my PSA idea. Basically, my PSA is going to be all about the worst possible effect of doing drugs, which is death. The PSA is going to open up to two girls at the park, and then one girl says she knows where a drug dealer is selling crystal meth at a really cheap price.I either want to show that the girls are really bored, and that's why they are interested in the crystal meth, or one girls call the other girl and then they meet at the park and then go to get the crystal meth. The two girls then go to the drug dealer and ask for the drugs. At the end, one of the girls takes out her wallet and asks how much the drugs cost, and the drug dealer replies, “You’re life”. Then the PSA will fade to the message, which is “Is it worth what you have to pay?”. I have a couple of other ideas that I might choose to put in or not, but I'm not sure yet. I'll definitely know by next week. But anyways, that's the basic outline of my PSA. I'm hopeful that if I follow through with the three goals that my PSA will turn out successfully!

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