Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I am soooo happy right now!!!!! Can you guess why? Well, the reason why I'm so happy is that I just found out we have an extended deadline on our Media Project!!! Instead of being due on Monday, which just so happens to be tomorrow, the project will be due on Wednesday! I am so grateful for this extra time, because it will give us time to make our video even better. What I mean is now we'll have time to finish adding everything to the video AND have time to polish it, and as Mr. M say, change it from good to great! So I think with these few extra days, our project will turn out great!

For example, by adding the few finishing touches, I think our project will turn out good. This includes adding b-roll, re-checking the sound, and just making sure our video flows. I'm glad we have the extended deadline, because that way we'll really have time to make sure everything is in order, and also have time to fix anything. I want to show Mr. M our video before we turn it in, do that way he'll tell us what we need to fix before he grades it. Anyways, we're on track (especially with the extended deadline) and we'll be able to add some great finishing touches.

Another I think our project will turn out great is because we have learned from our mistakes last quarter and did not repeat them this quarter. For example, after getting the pros and cons list back about our video last quarter, this quarter, we really tried to take note and not repeat the same mistakes. After all, it doesn't make sense that you say you learned from your mistakes if you just keep on making the same mistake agsin, now does it?

Finally, I think our project is good because we got an A on our script. Having a good script is VERY important for having a good video, because it tells what you're going to hear and see in the video. The only slight problem we may have is that we kinda had to revise the script, because our video turned out to be like 5 minutes long with our first script. However. I think that the shortened version of our video is still really good.

In conclusion, I think that we're on a really good track and our video will turn out great. By adding the few finishing touches,learning from our first quarter mistakes, and having a good script, I'm sure that we'll have a quality video. If one thing is for sure, I know that we're definitely making better progress than our last quarter video, and I think that we'll have a good video!

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