

Hey guys! Can you believe that in less than two months, half of the school year will have gone by?! And after that, it will be third quarter! And then, at the end of third quarter.... we go to..wait for it, wait for it... STN!!! Yay!!! I am soooo excited!!!! Last year was my first year of STN, and though it was (very) stressful at times, it was also an unforgettable experience full of so many fun memories! We left California with first place in Spot Feature, second place in Movie trailer (the category that I was in), third place in PSA, and an honorable mention in Anchoring. Pretty impressive, huh? I think so! Anyways, this school year, STN is going to be held in Florida!! I can't wait! It's going to be awesome! My hope is to win even more awards than we did last year... and more first places! Hehe :) But, in order to do that, we need to start thinking already of what category we want to compete in.  I'm thinking I want to be in either movie trailer, anchoring, or PSA.

So, last year, as I mentioned already, I was in the movie trailer category. I thought movie trailer category was pretty cool. Basically, you go to the meeting and get assigned a word, and that word has to be title and topic of the trailer for your "movie". Last year our word was "Breakpoint." I think you have four hours to make the trailer. I like the movie trailer competition because you get to act, and film lots of shots, but not too many because the trailer is only a minute long. You can also add music to help set the tone, and cool titles. The only thing my group and I struggled with last year was coming up with a solid idea. There were a lot of people on the team, and everyone had different ideas and suggestions of how to go about making the trailer. But I don't think that I would struggle so much in that area now that I have done STN before and have learned my lesson from doing that!

Anchoring is another category that I'm interested in. Last year Sydney did anchoring, and she earned an honorable mention. To be honest though, I'm actually not completely sure what you do to be an anchorer. I guess it's kind of like being a TV news reporter, and you have a certain amount of time to write about a certain topic. I don't know though.... although it does seem fun and less stressful to just write and not have to film anything, I don't know if I'm "professional" enough to be an anchorer.

Lastly, I'm interested in the PSA category. It just sounds so fun! Last year, I loved all the PSA's that Leanna and her group did. They were really great! And what's good about PSA is that I already have experience filming and editing them. So PSA is definitely another category I'm interested in.

In conclusion, movie trailer, anchoring, and PSA are three categories I'm interested in joining for STN. I'm not for sure though, and I will definitely have to think more about it. I'm just so excited for STN!!!!!! :) Thanks for reading!

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