Guess what? CKTV's 2013 STN Trip has just come to an end, and right now I just got back from an exhausting day! Although today was the day we came back, we still had a really important morning. Can you guess what we did this morning? We went to the STN Closing Ceremony! And for those of you who aren't exactly sure what that is, it's when every school that competed gathers together, and the winners for all the competitions are announced!!! It's really fun and suspenseful, and well, without further adu, let me tell you about it!

So, the Closing Ceremony was really fun. I was really proud of our school, everyone did such a great job! We won one first place award from the Spot Feature Group, one second place award from the Movie Trailer Team (yay!!), one third place award from the PSA Group, and an honorable mention from the Anchoring Competition, which Sydney did an awesome job in. It was great to win awards, and have your school name announced for the competition you were in as a winner, but honestly, the best part was getting to cheer on others or have other schools cheer on your school. Castaic, Waianae, Placerita, all these schools have just such great students! It was just a really great ending to our trip! Well, I better get some sleep right now... I unfortunately have school tomorrow :( Thanks for reading!

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