Hey guys! So this week's 5 paragraph response is going to be much like the last blog that I wrote: basically all about finishing off the year strong. We have about a month left of school, and summer seems soo close!! However, that gives us no reason to start putting in less time and effort, or caring less about the quality of our work. I know that I have had trouble with that, especially this year. I kind of had the mentality like "This is my third year at Chiefess and my last few weeks. I'm never coming back here so what does it matter if I slack off a little?". Nevertheless, I realize that it's still important to put in my best effort. And not just because it's the right thing to do, but also because that's the kind of person I want to be. I want to develop the quality of persevering and not going the easy way out, because I know that it will be needed later in life. In the next few paragraphs I'm going to explain things that I will do to ensure that I finish off the year strong.

 So, the first way that I plan to finish off the year strong is to be more organized. At the beginning of the year, my binder was so neat and organized, and unfortunately, now it's a mess. I stuff everything into the front pocket and keep on telling myself to organize it, and I never do. I'm just thankful that Mrs. Chiba hasn't scheduled a binder check for the quarter yet, because if she did, I'd be in deep trouble!  I need to be more organized so I know where things are and don't have to waste time looking for things or re-doing things that I could easily have put in the right place.

Another way I plan to finish off the year strong is to plan things at a designated time so I know when I can do them. One way I can do this is by using my planner. Oh, I used to have my planner so organized- it was so neat and I knew exactly what I needed to do, and now, I hardly ever use it. So I'm going to try and get back in the habit of writing my assignments down and keeping my planner organized. Also, I'm going to try to plan time to specifically do my assignments. In my house, it's kind of chaotic, I have a two year old and seven month old sister, and there's always, ALWAYS stuff to do. However, my mom just bought a calendar and we have a new system of writing down stuff we need to do and when and in what time frame. It's really helped my parents, so I'm going to try and do something similar so I can mentally prepare myself before hand so I can budget my time wisely.

Lastly, I plan to finish off the year strong by not getting distracted. In today's society, getting distracted is easier than ever! Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Pinterest, Minecraft (I don't play Minecraft, just FYI) are just a click away, and sometimes there all I can think about!! Uggghhhh, they're just sooo distracting! However, I need to be strong, and tell myself that the next episode of my favorite show can wait, but my blogs are due tomorrow. If I develop that kind of self control now, it will dramatically help me in the future too! 

In conclusion, I know that I can finish off the year strong. It's not something I want to do; I would love to just slack off and be lazy, but being lazy and a quitter are not the kinds of traits I want to develop. By being more organized, planning assignments and when I can do them, and not giving in to distractions, I will be able to have a successful rest of the year! Now excuse me, I'm going to go work on my math homework ;)

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