If there's one lesson this class has taught me over and over, it's not to procrastinate. In fact, it's good to even start thinking before to ensure that things are on time. So that is what I am doing. Already, I am thinking ahead to third quarter. I kind of have a PSA set in my mind that I would like to do, but I'm not completely sure about it because I actually got the idea from Mr. M last year (so it would not by my original idea) and I'm not sure how I would film it (it requires someone to be getting a tattoo). My plan is to talk to Mr. M sometime in early December to see if the idea I have is okay, and discuss how I would go about filming it. But in the mean time, I'm trying to come up with a few back up PSA ideas, just in case. Third Quarter is actually my favorite quarter of the Media Class, because I just think the whole process of getting to write and conduct a PSA is so neat!! Wish me luck :)

11/19/2013 02:20:24 pm

I think that the PSA will be really cool. You are right, it is good to think ahead so that you won't have to rush at the last minute. Bye 😄


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