Hey guys! This weeks topic was to write about how, as a new student to the CKTV Media Productions class, I feel about being on my own for my Third Quarter Project, and how I feel my partner has done teaching me what to do. My answer to all that is: Yes, I do feel prepared and ready for my Third Quarter Project, and I do think my partner has done a good job teaching me the ropes about Media!

One reason why I feel ready and prepared for Third Quarter is because of my partner.  I think Sierra has done a very good job teaching me anything I want to know about Media, whether it has to do with editing, or getting b-roll, or tips about getting good shots, and even going above that by teaching me things without me even having to ask. I really like how when have a question, she makes it a priority and teaches me right then and there instead of just saying "Oh, I'll teach you later". Anyways, I really appreciate all the effort my partner has put in to teaching me, so thanks Sierra!

Another reason why I feel ready and prepared is because of the Media Camp I attended this past summer. I can't tell you how glad I am that I went to the Summer Media Camp, because I think that's another huge factor that helped me in Media. One thing I really liked about the Media Camp was that everyone got to critique your videos. Sure, it was a little nerve wracking to see your video being watched and judged by other people, but really, that's the whole goal of making videos in Media: so other people can watch and enjoy them. But back to the point, I thought that getting feedback ( whether positive or negative) was just super helpful, and I'm really glad that I got to be part of the summer Media Workshop because it really helped prepare me for Media, and even a little for Third Quarter.

Lastly, I think I'm prepared for Third Quarter because I've really tried my hardest to learn as much as I can. Whenever someone gave me advice, I really tried to listen ad follow what they said. I also tried to be a quick learner. Hopefully, for Third Quarter, I can take all that I've learned and put it all together to make a really great video.

In conclusion, I think that I am ready and prepared for Third Quarter. With my partners help, along with the Media Camp in the summer, my peers, and Mr. M's help, I'm sure I am ready. I'm excited to make my Third Quarter Project, and before you know it, I'll be blogging about it and keeping you posted about how it's coming along!

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